02 – 03 DECEMBER 2024
Under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco

The Age of Hydrogen is upon us. The most abundant element in the universe now holds out the tantalizing promise of being one of the most important keys to a cleaner and more sustainable planet.
John Rossant
President, Monaco Hydrogen Alliance
Our 2024 Speakers
Join us to build lasting impact in the field of transportation
The Monaco Hydrogen Alliance hosts the Monaco Hydrogen Forum and brings together key public and private hydrogen operators, transportation & mobility leaders and policymakers to help accelerate the use of green hydrogen in mobility. The theme of the Third Edition is Building the Case for Green Hydrogen.
The first platform exclusively dedicated to mobility and renewable hydrogen
Through two days of keynotes, high-level panel conversations and deep-dive workshops, the gathering will closely examine the latest innovations, technologies, and financing mechanisms driving clean hydrogen’s use across transportation.
Key event verticals:
- Mobility Ecosystems & Innovation, Infrastructure and the H2 Value Chain and Strengthening the Value Proposition of H2.
- The high-level gathering is a place to meet technologists and entrepreneurs from across the changing landscape of hydrogen transportation – and learn about the cutting-edge innovations transforming the field. You will hear about the strategies for building a strong and sustainable value chain for clean hydrogen, from production to trade and logistics – and learn to assess best practices for optimizing supply chain logistics, ensuring safety, and minimizing environmental impacts.
About the Monaco Hydrogen Alliance
We are a not-for-profit Association under Monegasque law to promote the use of green hydrogen in land, air, and maritime transportation.
Our ambition is to contribute to reversing the curve of the environmental impact of mobility in our societies thanks to renewable hydrogen.
The second edition of the Monaco Hydrogen Forum took place on November 27-28, 2023 and was held under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Our Work
We Catalyze
The Monaco Hydrogen Alliance gathers stakeholders from the public and private sectors, young innovators and thought leaders as well as the alliance’s members in thematic tracks, delivering recommendations and working on joint-projects on a year-round basis.
Thematic tracks are private sessions, attendance upon invitation.
We Convene
The Monaco Hydrogen Alliance hosts the Monaco Hydrogen Forum to accelerate innovation across the hydrogen value chain for key public and private hydrogen operators, as well as transportation & mobility industrial leaders and policy makers coming from all over the world. The second edition of the Monaco Hydrogen Forum will take place on November 27-28, 2023 in the Principality of Monaco.
The inaugural edition of the Monaco Hydrogen Forum took place on November 21-22, 2022, with particular focus on the use of renewable hydrogen across the value chain of maritime mobility.
We Curate
Building on Monaco’s leadership in Energy Transition
The Principality of Monaco’s leadership in Energy Transition and in the fight against climate change — as well as its preeminent global position in the world of motor sports, global shipping and energy trading — make it an ideal host for a new and important global conversation on Hydrogen and Mobility.
Leveraging the Insights of Global Experts
The Monaco Hydrogen Alliance is guided by a Board of Advisors with topic, policy, and industry-specific expertises.
Partnering with Green Hydrogen and Mobility Sector Leaders
The Monaco Hydrogen Alliance partners with Green Hydrogen and Mobility sector leaders to facilitate the transition of the mobility sector to green hydrogen.
Members of the Monaco Hydrogen Alliance
We are grateful to our member partners, all leaders in the field of renewable hydrogen, energy transition and mobility, for their support and their trust.